I know I might seem like a lazy bum for not posting the whole week, I actually did this mani on (last) monday but the post was left in the back burner because I just couldn't be arsed to edit the pictures I took. To be honest that is the part that takes me the most time when it comes to post, download/edit/upload pictures.
I got rid off the Godzilla mani and just wanted to get something simple to wear all week. I was going thru my boxes looking for a bright pink and found Kleancolor Barbie Pink which I had for couple of months but never used. Not too much of a big fan of pinks really, I have to be in certain mood for them or used them with something else to avoid the risk of looking "too girly". So here I am, couldn't get girlier than BARBIE PINK and GLITTER .
I also got Maybelline Pretty in Polka from last haul and was itching to try it. I liked the result, sort of punk rock chick vibe thanks to the black and white glitter, kinda gives the effect of splatter (and no mess yaaay!!) and just add a bit of color (just some more) with a coat of Kleancolor Disco Ball.
Barbie Pink is a bright pink, on the neon side, it dries matte though so a top coat is needed to bring out the brightness. It is highly pigmented so 1 coat did it for me but 2 coats needed for full opacity specially if wearing it on it's own. Formula is not so thick and dries rather quick in comparison with other KC.
Pretty in Polka is a black hex mini and white medium hex glitter top coat in a purple jelly. It looks more opaque in the bottle, wouldn't wear on it's own as it takes about 4-5 coats for full opacity. The glitter load is dense so you guarantee a good payload on every dip of the brush, 1 coat on mine, 2 or 3 for a more saturated look.
Disco Ball ahhh, love the name. This is a aqua and fuchsia mini glitter on clear base and it does scream FIESTA!! I have had this one for ages and never used it, why?!!! is so pretty and colorful and it adds the right finish for the "come on hurt my eyes" bright pink.
I loved this mani, specially because is super easy and the toppers can be used in a immense variety of color combinations.
What I used:
Kleancolor Barbie Pink (base, 1 coat)
Maybelline Pretty in Polka (b/w glitter topper)
Kleancolor Disco Ball (glitter topper)
See you soon, will try not to be so lazy on here.